Tension, Conflict & Creativity

2019, May 26
Helicopter is excited to offer a gathering for cultural workers interested in learning new skills and tools for collaboration. It is open to everyone with an interest in a NVC intro, not only artists!
During this introductory workshop we will invite participants to work on situations intrinsic to the artistic community, which we see as dual: on the one hand it is a community often built on affect, friendship, love and mutual understanding; on the other, extremely individualistic, competitive, aggressive and tied with the entrepreneurial trend.
We will offer Non-Violent Communication (NVC) practices, a revolutionary tool for connecting to others without giving yourself up. NVC empowers people in advocating for what is important to them from an authentic and transparent place.
Led by Phoenix Soleil: http://phoenixsoleil.strikingly.com/
Phoenix Soleil is a Trainer with LIFT Economy and has a passion for developing people, teams, and organisations. She has led training in communication, racial justice, and personal development for individuals, groups, and organisations such as Google, Kellogg Foundation, UC Berkeley, Mind Body Awareness Project, Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute and Insight Meditation Society. She is also a Buddhist practitioner, her mindfulness training includes many residential silent retreats, including several silent meditation retreats of two months and longer. She is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Community Dharma Leader Program and currently on staff at Insight Meditation Society as Retreat Support Fellow.