Fragments of a piano
2018, Jan 19

We are proud to present you the second outcome of a collaboration between the Kon Con composition and KABK fine art departments, both in The Hague, presented in happy co- production with Helicopter, and Myriads which presents a special performance by Manchester’s abstract folk guitar wizard Jon Collin. A very special evening for sure! See below for more details about the pieces.
At Helicopter, Beatrijsstraat 10 in Den Haag.
Doors open at 19.00, the first performance starts at 19.30 SHARP.
Free entrance!
The tacit state of constant transition in which we currently ebb and flow is being made loud and clear during this evening full of tactile performances, performers metamorphosing into instruments and the other way round.
Five pieces will be presented in which the piano is the protagonist reveiling an artistic story in which Western enlightment is being left behind, leading us, again, through an evening full of Brave New Sound and Imagination.
Hun Hyeon, Germán Medina, Hugo Rodriguez, Filip Sternal, Dimitris Roubos, German Medina Calle, Orestes, Thomas van Dun, Erlend Eversen, Madhav Agarwal, Rengert Eggink, Weronika Wrzosen, Felician Erlenburgand, Channa Boon and Yannis Kyriakides.
Special guest: Jon Collin (UK)
On Dreams
Hun Hyeon: visuals and Kor synths
score by Germán Medina
Germán Medina and
Hugo Rodriguez: bassoons
Thomas van Dun: piano
The piece was inspired by childhood memories and a poem by Federico García Lorca:
Landscape with two tombs and an Assyrian dog
get up and hear the howl of the Assyrian dog.
The three nymphs of Cancer have been dancing, my son.
They brought mountains of red sealing wax and rough bed sheets where cancer slept.
The horse had an eye in its neck and the moon was in a sky so cold
that it had to tear open its mound of Venus
and drown the old cemeteries in blood and ash.
Wake up, the mountains still aren’t breathing
and the grass of my heart is elsewhere.
It doesn’t matter that you are full of sea water.
I loved a boy for a long time who kept a little feather on his tongue
and we lived a hundred years inside a knife.
Wake up. Be quiet. Listen. Sit up a little.
The howl is a long purple tongue that leaves fearful ants and liquor of irises.
Now it approaches the rock. Don’t stretch your roots!
Come closer. Groan. Don’t sob in your dreams, friend.
Get up and hear the howl of the Assyrian dog.
Sound Studies
Thomas van Dun: concept and piano
Jon Collin:
Jon Collin is a bewitching and versatile guitar player: electric, acoustic, improvised, composed, screw-driver-prepared, open-tuned, with slide, with e-bow, or fingerpicking. It’s all here. Jon has his feet rooted in folk and blues, but with his head in the cloudy sky his music transcends that by far. It stands on its own: abstract renderings of openness, nature of reality, right here and now. It’s abstract in the extreme, but also very personal — almost uncomfortably so.
Music for Whiskers
Filip Sternal: concept
performers: Dimitris Roubos, German Medina Calle, Orestes, Thomas van Dun, Filip Sternal
Painter Part II
Erlend Evensen: concept and live painting
Madhav agarwal: harmonium
Rengert Eggink: cello
Weronika wrzosen: violin
Felician Erlenburg: saxophone
Channa Boon: brush
A piece on friendship in which the process of live painting is merged with an impromtu session of musicians playing together.