Unforbidden Movement Workshop series – Workshop no.2
Here, now, before and after – presence and memory
Movement and Documentary Cinema
With Eilit Marom and Vita Wilmering
Friday 9th Dec 19:30 – 22:00
The process of moving can only happen in the here and now, we witness it but it is also captured by the other, watching. What we see ourselves and how we would like to be seen is a question both choreographer Eilit Marom and filmmaker Vita Wilmering would like to pose. Both in moving and in a cinematic setting there are two parallel spaces co-existing; inner awareness and the environment, the film and the spectators space. In the workshop we will challenge these perspectives and try to provoke the linear perception of duration by looking back in time.
Key words: seeing, double, presence, cinema, capture.
Link for more information and Sign up: https://helicopterworkshops.eventgoose.com/
Contact: unforbiddenpleasures@gmail.com