Sunday afternoon 05 February Helicopter will host Brussels go-getter
Eric Kinny’s travelling picture show “HAPPY FUJI NEWS”
Local artists noisesinthenight and HEXENEICHE will complete the event with the new sounds they have been working on.
Samantha Rees and Manuel Padding will present their installation “The Opposing Mirror”
We will finish before 19:00 so we can head to K R A H #2 where Helicopter
heartthrobs THE UNDERGROUNDLINGS are playing a secret show.
Doors open at 15:00 and first act starts at 16:00,
we will serve delicious soup and bread to fill both your stomach and your mind.
Eric Kinny’s Woodcut Theater is coming to Den Haag and it’s going to be wild! With over 200 hand-carved and printed woodcuts, Eric himself will take you on a 30-minute journey filled with captivating stories and music. But this isn’t your typical animation or projected movie, Eric will be using the actual prints as the visual! There was mention of throwing some prints so it’s guaranteed to be a spectacle. A visit to the future of the past, caveman-style original cinema. Eric Kinny, based in Brussels, Belgium runs multiple labels and has a love for pre-1957 country & western music. He makes the woodcuts with a DIY bottle jack press and laser engraved printing types. http://santeloisirs.com/erickinnyhfnhttps://www.instagram.com/eric_kinny/
noisesinthenight is Dan Gibson.
He’s on mission control to ride the boundaries of sound and exist in a momental state of womb-being. The room becomes a universe and the joy to follow the modified cello is the spaceship of guidance. You cannot stray from the path because everything/nothing is a path and whatever journey you choose to focus on is an adventure and a fulfilling destiny.
HEXENEICHE is a dark wizard of some sorts: mixing individual baggage and the struggle to get to the T into something that combines the bleakness of Northern Europe with the frozen pancakes from the Appalachian mountains. Both an incantation of love and a quest for staying away from the nick, featuring a delicate layering of tape loops into the infinite and spiking it up with knee deep in swamp murk synths spitting out distant dubs from the inevitable shatter of glass backwalls. A boy and a girl trying to give it some spin, to make some sense.
HEXENEICHE is a duo of Leilani Trowell and Steffan de Turck.
Samantha Rees and Manuel Padding – The Opposing Mirror, installation.
“The pyramids were built on the busted backs of the proles, but this construct is 90% smoke so there’s little heavy lifting required.” Ali Robertson (Usurper, Giant Tank, Sonic Bothy, etc) Step into the void, dive into the light and spend some time somewhere else.